Equity and Inclusion in Education

Provide By: UNESCO Bangkok and EEF
  • Course IDSEAMES015/2024
  • Course Name Equity and Inclusion in Education
  • Subject Education and Teacher Training
  • Start Date 2024-07-04
  • End Date 2024-12-31
  • Duration 10 weeks (2-4 hours/week)
  • Language English, Thai, Chinese and Lao
  • Course description This course provides an introduction, raises awareness and builds capacity on ten core aspects of equitable education, why they are important, and especially what can be done in order to implement them in practice. Course equips you with the mindset, knowledge and skills to be the CHANGEMAKER for equitable and inclusive education and learn how to narrow down the disparities in your own context. It is directed at a broad audience of education experts and practitioners, namely policy-makers, government officials, NGOs/CBOs in the education sector, educators and university students. The course will be composed of short, narrated videos, with accompanying exercises, collaborative discussions, quizzes, worksheets, personal reflections and suggestions for further reading
  • Link https://www.edx.org/learn/education/sdg-academy-equity-and-inclusion-in-education
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