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Global Citizenship Education : A Guide for Policymakers

By: Swee-Hin Toh, Gary Shaw, Danilo Padilla

The Guide is in two parts:
Part 1: provides an overview of GCED. It includes three sections that cover: the background to GCED; the rationale for GCED; and the concept of GCED
Part 2: focuses on developing and implementing GCED policy. It includes five sections that cover priority areas for action: policy review and development; curriculum review and development; capacity building; knowledge creation, sharing and dissemination; and monitoring and assessment

Detail Information

  • AuthorSwee-Hin Toh, Gary Shaw, Danilo Padilla
  • Item Code BK02109
  • Call Number Other4/MC/2017/1512
  • ISBN/ISSN 9791187819066
  • Publisher APCEIU
  • Collation 71 pages ; 24 cm.
  • Language English
  • Year of Publication 2017
  • Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
  • Type of Media: Electronic File
  • Edition: -

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