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Learning from the past for the future: Signposts and landmark anniversaries in adult learning and education

By: Heribert Hinzen, Maria Slowey, Huu Phuoc Khau

Article in "International Review of Education" Volume 70, Issue 2 (April 2024)
Issue Editors: Heribert Hinzen, Huu Phuoc Khau, Maria Slowey
Edited by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Executive editor: Paul Stanistreet

Detail Information

  • AuthorHeribert Hinzen, Maria Slowey, Huu Phuoc Khau
  • Item Code SE0488
  • Call Number Other/00487/2024
  • Publisher Springer
  • Collation -
  • Language English
  • Year of Publication 2024
  • Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
  • Type of Media: Electronic File
  • Edition: Published online: 17 May 2024

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