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Journal of Southeast Asian Education : The Official Journal of SEAMEO : Maximising Learning: Education Responses amidst the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond / 2020 Special Issue, Volume 2

By: Dr. Wahyudi (SEAMEO Secretariat), Executive Editor

This special issue of the Journal of Southeast Asian Education consolidated research papers on best practices in response to COVID-19 from SEAMEO member countries and beyond to:

• Showcase the best education responses to the pandemic and school closures in the region
• Identify opportunities and challenges that Southeast Asian schools are facing amidst the pandemic
• Consolidate policy changes and ways forward for the new normal
• Identify ways to address the needs of the disadvantaged, especially with regard to remote learning

Detail Information

  • AuthorDr. Wahyudi (SEAMEO Secretariat), Executive Editor
  • Item Code SE0473
  • Call Number SE013/00472/2020
  • ISBN/ISSN 1513-4601
  • Publisher SEAMES
  • Collation
  • Language English
  • Year of Publication 2020
  • Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
  • Type of Media: Electronic File
  • Edition: 2020 Special Issue, Volume 2

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