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SEA Mag: SEAMEO Education Access Magazine, Volume 1 (2006)


SEA Mag, the official publication of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, provides information and in-depth presentations of the education policies in the countries in the region. It also serves as a venue for the interchange of ideas and issues on trends in education, science and culture. The magazine adopts a less academic tone, but focus on in-depth analysis of current issues in the education sectors. Following the approval, ad referendum, from the 41st SEAMEO Council Conference 2006, the redesign of the SEAMEO publication was implemented in 2006. The inaugural issue [May 2006] centres on peace education. However, after the first issue, the SEAMEO Secretariat decided to review and redesign the publication. The new SEAMEO official publication "SEAMEO Education Agenda" replaces SEA Mag.

Detail Information

  • AuthorSEAMES
  • Item Code SE0110
  • Call Number SE013/00110/2006
  • ISBN/ISSN 1905-4289
  • Publisher Thammada Press
  • Collation -
  • Language English
  • Year of Publication 2006
  • Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
  • Type of Media: Electronic File
  • Edition: Volume 1 (2006)

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