The SEAMEO Council President's Report : His Excellency Mr. Pongpol Adireksarn Minister of Education, Thailand and SEAMEO Council President
In the tradition of SEAMEO, the SEAMEO Council President officially visits all SEAMEO Member Countries and Centres to ensure linkage between the policy body and the implementing units; to increase his own understanding of the situation and needs of the region; to meet and have discussions at the Regional Centres; and to promote the visibility of SEAMEO. With only five months to complete Thailand's term, H E Mr Pongpol Adireksarn accomplished these brief but purposeful visits.
Detail Information
- AuthorSEAMES, Ministry of Education, Thailand and SEAMEO SPAFA
- Item Code BK00452
- Call Number SEAMES/GR/2003/1545/C.1
- Publisher SEAMES
- Collation 47 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
- Language English
- Year of Publication 2003
- Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
- Type of Media: Electronic File
- Edition: -