Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal
Southeast Asia Mathematics Education Journal (SEAMEJ) is an academic journal devoted to reflect a variety of research ideas and methods in the field of mathematics education. SEAMEJ aims to stimulate discussions at all levels of mathematics education through significant and innovative research studies. The Journal welcomes articles highlighting empirical as well as theoretical research studies, which have a perspective wider than local or national interest. All contributions are peer reviewed.
This is a conference edition selected papers from the 4th International Symposium on Mathematics Education Innovation (ISMEI)
Detail Information
- AuthorSEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics
- Item Code SE0198
- Call Number SE006/00198/2017
- ISBN/ISSN 2089-4716
- Publisher SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics
- Collation -
- Language English
- Year of Publication 2017
- Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
- Type of Media: Electronic File
- Edition: Volume 7, Number 2 (Dec 2017)