SEA Mag: SEAMEO Education Agenda Magazine / Issue 11, January 2023
This edition features the 52nd SEAMEO Council (SEAMEC) Conference slated to happen in the Philippines on 8–9 February 2023. The conference marks the transition of the SEAMEO presidency from Singapore to the Philippines. It also profiles the new ministers of education for five member and associate member countries, six new high officials, and nine newly appointed SEAMEO regional centre directors. It also showcases highlights from several international and regional meetings, workshops, discussions, and awards, along with specific programme achievements, the latest from SEAMES social media channels and the SEAMEO Schools Network, and the awards given during the celebration of the organisation’s 57th anniversary. In addition, this edition presents the inter-centre collaboration projects led by SEAMEO Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition (RECFON), SEAMEO Regional Training Centre (RETRAC), and SEAMEO Regional Centre for the Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Mathematics. Finally, it features some of the latest SEAMES initiatives to establish new networks and collaborate with programme partners
Detail Information
- AuthorDr. Ethel Agnez P. Valenzuela, Executive Editor
- Item Code SE0481
- Call Number SE013/00480/2023
- ISBN/ISSN 1905-4289
- Publisher SEAMES
- Collation -
- Language English
- Year of Publication 2023
- Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
- Type of Media: Electronic File
- Edition: Issue 11, January 2023