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Guidebook to Education Systems and Reforms in Southeast Asia and China


This book is the pioneering product of SEA-CERN. It presents information on education systems and reforms of Southeast Asia countries and the People’s Republic of China including administration, provisions and pathways, basic education curriculum, recent policies, and key statistics.

SEA-CERN is endorsed by the SEAMEO High Officials Meeting, the ASEAN China Centre (ACC) and the National Institute of Education Sciences (NIES) of the People's Republic of China. SEA-CERN aims to serve as a platform for education researchers to seek, share, exchange and generate knowledge, raise awareness on the importance of education research, promote a research culture in Southeast Asia and China, enhance the research and development capacities within Southeast Asia and China, and build a regional community of education research experts and advocates.

Detail Information

  • AuthorNIES, ACC and SEAMEO
  • Item Code BK02359
  • Call Number SEAMES/GR/2017/1762
  • ISBN/ISSN 9786167961156
  • Publisher SEAMES
  • Collation -
  • Language English
  • Year of Publication 2017
  • Type of Ducument: Electronic Resource
  • Type of Media: Electronic File
  • Edition: -

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