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RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research in Southeast Asia

By: Makhan Lal Tickoo, Editor

The RELC Journal: A Journal of English Language Teaching in Southeast Asia is one of the professional publications of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Regional English Language Centre which is located in Singapore. It appears twice a year: June and December. The journal aims at presenting information and ideas on theories, research, methods and materials related to language learning in general and English in particular. Main articles, materials, short notes, and book reviews should be of general interest and of particular relevance to the English teaching situation in Southeast Asia.

Detail Information

  • AuthorMakhan Lal Tickoo, Editor
  • Item Code SE0409
  • Call Number SE010/00408/1993
  • ISBN/ISSN 0033-6882
  • Publisher SEAMEO RELC
  • Collation -
  • Language English
  • Year of Publication 1993
  • Type of Ducument: None
  • Type of Media: None
  • Edition: Volume 24, Number 1 (June 1993)

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